1st Ezine


EU Rural Virtual Classroom

The EU Rural Virtual Classroom project, strongly anchored in ICT, has an innovative approach to face educational deficiencies in rural areas: a collaborative virtual space in real time where rural schools can support each other, filling their deficiencies in teachers shortage, content and activities immediately.

We aim to focus on education in rural areas, where 28% of the EU population lives. In these areas the early dropout rate is higher than in urban areas (12% as opposed to 9% in urban settings). Rural areas also face other challenges such as insulation of centres, less students, insecure facilities or fewer materials which reinforces the need to target rural education.

Rural schools, as well as their students and teachers and the educational community, are the direct beneficiaries of the project and will benefit by improving connectivity and educational resources. Likewise, public and private entities will benefit from the project indirectly.

The partners of the project are:

  • Estela Cántabra
  • Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas
  • Istituto Omnicomprensivo di Bobbio
  • Associació d’Iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya
  • Universidad De Deusto
  • Roscommon LEADER Partnership

First transnational meeting

The first meeting took place on 5th May in Santander (Spain). The aim of the meeting was to launch the project and its first activities: to reach agreement on the workplan and its activities, perform regular monitoring, agree financial arrangements, deliver project management and culminating in the handover of the final manual draft.

During the meeting the initial parameters for mapping the best practices and the methodology to provide information in each country for the partners and the associated partners were defined.

The project is divided into seven workpackages: project management, good practice database, design of the ICT educational platform, technical development, pilot testing, dissemination and communication and quality management.

Over the next two years, pilot tests will be carried out in four schools in different European Union countries. The subject that will be provided in pilot tests is English, following the methodology previously proposed by the project.    

More information:  www.ruralvirtualclassroom.eu

Project Number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000023731

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author , and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be  made of the information contained therein

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