2nd Ezine

ERASMUS + VIRTUAL CLASSROOM is working in different Work Package’s

The main goal of WP-2 is to carry out an inventory of best educational practices based on a systematic search in scientific literature, research projects and other European educational projects, as well as other international databases.
The purpose is to provide a corpus for the development of the objectives in:

  • WP-3 (Logical and functional design of the Rural Space Collaborative Learning)
  • WP-4 (IT, technological and functional development of the product, internal testing, testing of programmable routines, incorporation and testing of languages, training of partners in the use of the product, and
  • WP-6 (Organize dissemination actions in the three main groups: initial, intermediate and final actions)

    Final report document: Best Practice Study Final Report.pdf

More information:  www.ruralvirtualclassroom.eu

Project Number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000023731

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author , and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be  made of the information contained therein

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