RVC project appears in the local Irish press

On Thursday, September 21, Greaghnafarna N.S welcomed European partners from Italy, Spain and Lithuania to the national school. The Principal, Michelle Doyle welcomed the partners from Europe with a red carpet entrance!

Michelle and the schools Board of Management took the partners on a tour around the school, showcasing the amazing work that they have put into the school.

Inside the school the students had a chance to speak some Irish to the partners and to sing some songs that they had practised as part of their school choir. One of the songs was “My Arigna Home” which was written by Pat Conway, a native of Arigna.

The students also talked about the history and traditions of Arigna and how some of their family members used to work in the mines. The students also got the chance to ask the partners questions about primary schools in their countries.

Lastly the students got to show the European partners how to play Gaelic Football. They explained the rules and how it was native to Ireland.

Link to the news: https://www.leitrimobserver.ie/news/home/1308692/greaghnafarna-n-s-welcomes-eu-partners-to-arigna.html

More information:  www.ruralvirtualclassroom.eu

Project Number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000023731

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author , and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be  made of the information contained therein

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