4rd Ezine


The Rural Virtual Classroom platform is already an educational community with more than 130 users, including teachers and schools from all over Europe.

It exclusively hosts users from the educational realm, providing a space for interaction and project sharing among rural schools across Europe. Presently, it boasts an active community initiating collaborative activities and projects within the platform.

All sections of the platform have been updated, with video tutorials available to guide users through each feature. These tutorials are generated through Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Schools or teachers interested in joining the platform can request an access code via the following email: info@ruralvirtualclassroom.eu

The Rural Virtual Classroom platform has received recognition from the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation, and Educational Research (INDIRE). INDIRE is the oldest research organization under the Italian Ministry of Education (https://www.indire.it/).

The platform’s recognition by INDIRE led to the organization of a webinar for all rural schools in Italy, with over 75 teachers from rural schools participating in the event. You can find more information at this link: https://piccolescuole.indire.it/webinar-eu-rural-virtual-classroom-scopri-il-nuovo-ambiente-di-scambio-per-le-piccole-scuole-europee/

More information:  www.ruralvirtualclassroom.eu

Project Number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000023731

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author , and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be  made of the information contained therein

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